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Sam Neugent's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Sam Neugent

Thank you so much for coming to our ministry funding page. It takes people like YOU to help us stay in ministry. 
Sometimes life throws us curve balls. Almost 2 years ago I thought ministry the way I’ve done it for years was over. My ability to walk on the rocky streets of Latin America became more than my pain threshold could bear.
The folks at e3 suggested I manage the Honduras team and step up training more churches in an initiative called Made to Multiply.  I’m having a blast doing these trainings and helping send teams to Honduras.  Seeing folks lead their first person to the Lord brings such joy.
Opportunities are opening up to help train in gospel conversation trainings. The goal at e3 is to see 1,000,000 people in North America trained to share the gospel. This is a huge task.
If God puts in on your heart to help Sheila and I,please click either of the green buttons that say Donate to this fundraiser.  Your gift IS tax deductible.
Thank you again for coming to this page, for praying for us and for supporting this ministry.
Sam and Sheila

  • E3Giving Day

    Posted a week ago

    TODAY is e3Giving Day. Every gift given will receive a bump from a pool of $100,000.00!!! 

    That makes TODAY the very best day to give. 
    Just click the donate button.
    thanks for your faithful support through prayer and finances.

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • e3 Giving Day

    Posted a week ago

    Today is e3 Giving Day. If it were not for the sacrificial giving of God's people for God's work, I could not do what I am doing with e3 Partners.
    Sheila and I are very thankful for our family and friends who support the ministry through prayer and financial giving.
    TODAY all gifts will receive a "bump" from a pool of money given by a gracious donor.
    Please prayerfully consider giving today.
    Just click on DONATE
    Thank you
    Sam and Sheila

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • Dearest supporters....

    Posted a week ago

    e3 Giving day had some issues with the website but praise God many were able to get through. 
    Hopefully by now you have read or heard that my position with e3 has changed.  After leading in Peru for several years God has moved me to be the strategy director for South America.  I will be working closely with the 6 men who are presently working in 7 of the countries of South America. 
    Please pray for us as we begin to speak into the lives of these leaders and see their vision for what God wants to do in each country.
    I am still leading teams too.  Four trips are planned for 2017 to Peru and most likely I will need to go to Brazil and maybe Argentina to work with e3 leadership and pastors we want to invest in.  Please pray about this.
    Also, when I took this position I found out I have no budget at all.  Any traveling to countries without a team, I must pay for for raise the support.  A new fundraising website has been created for this.  If God has blessed you and you can afford to donate a one time gift or maybe a systematic monthly gift, please click this link:
    Thanks so much for your support.

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • Giving Day

    Posted a week ago

    September 20 is e3 Giving Day.  Last year our staff of almost 400 raised close to one million dollars. The bonus pool of funds was $100,000.00 and was distributed among the staff.  It came out to 13%. Wouldn't you like to get a 13% increase in just one day?
    I need your help once again.  Please put September 20 on your calendar.  COME BACK to this page and give a one time gift or BETTER YET start a monthly support if you are not already doing so.
    My responsibility with e3 recently changed. For several years I was the Strategy Director for Peru, now I am Strategy Director for South America. I will need the prayers of all my friends as I embark on this new journey. Some countries have ZERO presence with us.  Some countries have only received one or no teams this year.  My primary job is to help those who are struggling and make sure all country leaders are in compliance to our strategy to reach the lost and disciple the saved.
    In addition to your prayers which are most needed, your financial gifts which are most appreciated I would also encourage you to GO. I will have 4 trips this year.  Come and go with me.  
    It would be my privilege to talk with you about opportunities to serve.
    God bless,

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • Update from the field

    Posted a week ago

    Today I am at the hotel with a sick teenager from Georgia.  The rest of the team is out working in 8 fields around the city of Pisco, Peru.  Please pray for us. One team is in a community knows as "the devils alley".  They have experienced some heavy spiritual warfare.
    One team member went home as his mother is at the end of her life.  Please pray for the Shell family.
    One came here with a bug bite from Florida that has caused cellulitus to form.  We have prayed over him and our docs have treated him, he was only out of the field for one day.
    Thursday night is our celebration service.  We anticipate baptizing several people.  Please pray as we are obedient to do what God would have us do.

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • E3 Giving Day

    Posted a week ago

    Support is coming in and we are so thankful. There is still time to donate. The additional bump from the POOL OF FUNDS is only for gifts received today before midnight. We need your prayers and your help.
    Thanks so much for your support.

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • e3 GIVING DAY is Tuesday September 15.

    Posted a week ago

    All gifts received during the 24 hour period of Tuesday September 15 will receive an additional bump from gifts from generous donors who have created a special "POOL". The amount I receive from this pool is in direct proportion to the amount raised.
    Summer months are especially difficult for e3 staff.  This special day of giving is most important for us to catch up and store up for lean times.
    Will you prayerfully consider putting this date on your calendar and giving a sacrifical gift?
    If you have any questions about e3 GIVING DAY, please don't hesitate to call.
    Sheila and I love you and are glad that you are our partners.

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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  • Prayers are needed....

    Posted a week ago

    In a couple of weeks I will be leaving for Lima, Peru.  Leaders from all Spanish speaking countries and their US partners will come to Lima for training in t4t (Training for trainers).  My Peru country leaders and myself will be the hosts for this event.  This is the first time we have attempted to bring leaders from all Spanish speaking countries together in one place for such an event.
    Pray for my guys on the ground. Alexis, Edith and Jhon.  Pray for the event that will take place December 1-5.  For safe travel.  That all will learn and take what they learned back to their country to train others to train others to train.....

    Also, please pray that God will provide the necessary funds for me to go to the Amazon in March as a campaigner.  I have not needed to raise funds for a trip in over 8 years.  My website to do this is
    Right now I have raised $350 and need $2550.  

    I am thankful for you taking the time to read this update.  Now, please take a moment and lift up these requests to the Lord.

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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    Posted a week ago

    WOW, e3 Giving Day was great.  Thanks to all of you who helped me and Sheila yesterday, September 16.  Funds donated will help sustain us for a while.  We have monthly contributors and really need that but some months not all support comes in.  Summer months are especially difficult.
    This past Sunday at my home church we sang a song that was the theme of all my trips in 2013.  This song states over and over that God is faithful and HE IS.
    I hope you enjoy this song....

    Posted by:
    Sam Neugent

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Days to Go