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Anne Lucas' Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Anne Lucas

This Fall marks 16 years with e3 Partners Ministry primarily serving in medical missions and working with our Short Term Mission leaders. You have been faithful supporters and I am beyond grateful to the Lord for you! 

September 12th is the annual e3 Partners Giving Day focusing on raising for support for staff members like me who raise their support for our salary and expenses. Please save the date! Thanks to a bonus pool of funds, on that date 25 cents will be added to every dollar donated.  

Thank you for you faithfulness in praying and giving to support my ministry! God bless you! 

  • Thank you for a blessed e3 Giving Day!

    Posted a week ago

    The Lord truly blessed me e3 Giving Day! Your notes, prayers and donations are truly humbling!

    Lord, I praise You for being our Father, our Savior, the giver of all things!
    Thank you, Lord, for precious family and friends who are faithful to support Your work through my ministry with e3 Partners.
    Thank you for those who took time to pray, send a sweet note, text and donate.
    Bless them, Lord, with an abundance of your grace, peace and love!
    Thank you for their willingness to be an important part of Your work, for Your glory and honor!
    I ask for much wisdom to steward these resources.
    May every penny go to expand Your Kingdom here and throughout the world.
    We love you, Lord! In Jesus' Name, Amen!

    I am deeply grateful for your support! .....Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Heading across the ocean!

    Posted a week ago

    The Lord answered many prayers for my surgery and recovery! I thank Him for that! 

    We have a group leaving this week for Greece to provide health fairs/clinics for refugees from the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Ukraine. Please pray as we go for us to be bold in sharing our faith, for team unity and for many to come to know Jesus!

    Much persecution is happening around the world. May our Brothers and Sisters be strengthened in their faith and stand strong!

    Thank you for your faithful donations, your many many prayers and your encouragement! II thank the Lord for each of you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Spring is coming!!

    Posted a week ago

    It looks like flowers are getting ready to bloom! The seeds sown, watered and nurtured will burst into beautiful flowers!

    In thinking about Spring time, it is a great reminder to pray as we

    • Share the Gospel --plant the seeds.
    • "Sow to the Spirit": Walk in the Spirit following His lead.
    • Disciple Believers.
    We have a team leaving for the Middle East within the next few weeks. We are truly grateful for your prayers, your encouragement and financial support. Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thankful for you!

    Posted a week ago

    Thanksgiving has come and gone and yet, we continue to give thanks to the Lord for Who He Is! 

    As the days "rush by" towards Christmas, I thank the Lord for you and your faithful prayers and financial support for the mission journey God has me on. Some of you have been giving for 15 years since I joined e3 Partners....thank you!

    May the Lord bless you with much joy that He is the reason for this season!

    Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God blesses through you!

    Posted a week ago

    Your donations for e3 Giving Day are deeply appreciated! You have truly blessed and humbled me!

    I am excited about what God has planned! Thank you for being a part of this journey!

    Psalm 115: "Not to use, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness!"  Amen!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Giving Day…thank you for giving!!

    Posted a week ago

    Your gifts are greatly appreciated! 

    Today the donations will be enhanced by an e3 bonus pool. 

    Please pray about a situation in the Middle East where danger is imminent. 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • An exciting year ...much work still needed!

    Posted a week ago

    We have seen God do so many amazing things this past year!
    This past fiscal year (May 2022 - April 2023), God allowed e3 Partners to
    1. Train 890,000 people to share the Gospel.
    2. There have been 765,000 baptisms!
    3. AND 89,000 churches planted! Only God can make that happen!
    4. We have over 200 long term workers through out the world.
    5. We have over 240 short term mission trip leaders serving throughout the world!

    God is great! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Heading to Rome & Greece!

    Posted a week ago

    Our Middle East trip was beyond our expectations ...the Lord worked wonders!

    In a couple of weeks I will spend a couple of days in Rome meeting with Russian pastors who are serving Russian and Ukrainian immigrants living there. This trip is to assess the possibility of our working with these pastors and immigrants. I appreciate the prayers for discernment!

    From Rome I will meet our Greece Refugee team in Athens where we will serve alongside Greek churches and ministries to serve the Greek people and refugees from many countries! We are excited to have Samford University's nursing students and faculty be a part of this team!

    In June we are back to Athens with a large group of the University of Alabama nursing students among many other volunteers. I am especially excited that our oldest granddaughter will be serving with me on this trip!

    Thank you for your faithful financial contributions that allow me to focus on the work God has called me to do! Your prayers are greatly appreciated as they keep me grounded!! God bless you!


    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Getting ready for the New Year!

    Posted a week ago

    God has faithfully answered our prayers this year, even those we didn't pray! 
    As we move into 2023 we pray we will faithfully follow His plans!
    Thank you for being faithful prayer warriors and supporters!

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 This joy and peace can only come from our Lord!

    Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:21 He will equip us to do what He needs us to accomplish!

    We appreciate your prayers for a team leaving mid-January to work with refugees in Greece. We have a large team of which half are nursing students. We anticipate God has great plans for this team!  Thank you!

    Happy New Year!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Posted a week ago

    It's hard to believe that the year is almost over!

    You have been such a blessing to me!
    Your prayers continue to bless me and those I am honored to serve! They know you are praying! 
    Your financial gifts are deeply appreciated! I am always amazed at how God provides when I don't realize I need something! 
    This year was a whirlwind of trips, training our trip leaders, family loss, family joys. 
    God is and was faithful!

    Two years ago a Middle Eastern refugee lady who was serving with us was wrongly imprisoned. Because of your prayers and support we were able to provide her with her basic needs while in prison, including a lawyer's fee. She was told she would be imprisoned for 15 years. Today, she was surprised when she was released from prison! I was able to FaceTime with her! She said "Thank you to all who prayed and supported her!" She has so many God stories to tell! Pray for her as she gets settled into a new season of life and tells her story to those who are not Believers! 

    Stories like this remind me of why we go! Thank you for being a part! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thank you for serving beside me!

    Posted a week ago

    As e3 Giving Day closes, thank you so much much for your donations to my salary! Thank you for being mighty Prayer Warriors for my ministry!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Today is e3 Giving Day

    Posted a week ago

    Today is e3 Giving Day.  

    Donations made to my support account throughout the year and on this day are for my salary and expenses.

    Donations made to my support account today will be credited with a portion of the special pool of bonus funds - this is typically a 15-20% bonus on top of the gifts given!  

    Thank you for your faithful giving! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Posted a week ago

    Joy and peace are not emotions to those of us who are followers of Jesus.

    Having joy and peace in our lives depends on WHO Jesus IS to us.
    During this season of our lives, we wish you His Joy and Peace!
    This Joy and Peace is why the Persecuted Christians are seeing much fruit for the Gospel.

    The figures on the manger scene photo are hand carved out of thorn bushes by a Hausa Nigerian man many decades ago when I left Nigeria at age 16. The cave was a gift from dear friends and is hand caved out of an olive tree in Israel.

    The story: People from every tribe, tongue and nation will one day fall on their knees and worship Jesus, the Lord!

    I am so grateful for each of you who faithfully pray and financially support me in this ministry.

    May the Lord abundantly bless you during this beautiful Christmas season!

    Anne Lucas
    Director e3 Partners Medical and Short-Term Missions

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • 13 years and counting . . .

    Posted a week ago

    Thirteen years ago, I was studying Blackaby's Called and Accountable devotional book. After much prayer and discussion with David and several who work with e3 Partners, it became clear that the next chapter of my life was about to start!

    You have been an integral part of these years as you have fought battles in prayer with me and my teams.

    • You lifted my spirits. Reminded me from where real Joy comes.
    • You stopped and prayed when you received a text, email or phone call.
    • You weathered more than a few storms with me.
    • Some of you made me laugh. Laughter is definitely medicine!
    • Some of you even lovingly chastised me. Good friends do that!
    • You are a gift for which I thank the Lord each day!
    Please continue to pray as we plan and prepare for Fall 2021 and 2022 trips! Only God knows what is in store.

    We are excited to see what he has planned for us!

    Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God gave us another year ...

    Posted a week ago

    Happy New Year! 

    You are the answer to our prayers as we continue this work!
    Your generosity and partnership keep us encouraged, even inspired to keep going!  
    We continue working because of the answers to your prayers!

    My word for 2021 is vigilant (intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness) 

    • be vigilant in studying God's Word
    • be vigilant in prayer
    • be vigilant in listening to God
    Opportunity abound to do His work! Thank you for being a part!

    May the Lord bless you!  .....Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Masks and the Gospel

    Posted a week ago

    Masks are opening the door to share the Gospel!! Praise the Lord for using COVID-19 for HIS glory and HIS honor!!
    God uses whatever we have, if we allow Him!

    1. Who would have thought that giving a mask or two would open a door?
    2. Who would have thought teaching ways to properly wear a mask and how to stay safe from COVID-19 would open the door?

    "It's happening!" in Kenya, the Middle East, Greece, Niger, Romania, Rwanda, Russia, Tanzania and Southeast Asia.

    e3 Medical has provided funds to our national partners to purchase masks, hand sanitizer and soap to those who cannot afford it. The proper way to wear the mask is also taught ...something we call could learn <smile>!
     It seems like a small thing unless you have no money to purchase a mask!

    In Southeast Asia, one of our leaders uses a flip chart to teach proper wearing of masks and how to properly wash one's hands. In strictly controlled villages where sharing the Gospel isn't allowed, the police are allowing him to teach, give away masks AND share the Gospel!!

    In one village, some people threatened him after he taught mask usage and gave out masks. He was being accused of being a government spy. He went home and decided to visit the slum areas near his home and was welcomed with open arms to teach and share the Gospel! He said his lesson was: never get discouraged; step out in faith and the Lord provides a person of peace. Praise the Lord!

    We anticipate he and his team will distribute 15,000 masks by the end of next week... masks given with much prayer and in the Name of Jesus! 15,000 people will hear the Gospel!! Baptisms are happening, lives are changed because of a little mask and a big virus!

    Our role has been to pray, send funds, pray and listen to unbelievable stories!

    Join us!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thanksgiving is here!

    Posted a week ago

    As I've thought about Thanksgiving 2020, I am reminded to be thankful IN all things! even during a pandemic and crazy election times!

    I would love to know what you are thankful for and how you have seen God working: This is a very short 3 question survey: Thank you!

    Please be in prayer for two Virtual Mission Trips this month ...Middle Eastern Thanksgiving with our Brothers and Sisters in two countries:

    1. Middle Eastern refugees in Greece are at the beginning of winter with little food, blankets, lodging, coats, etc. And mostly they need Hope that can only come through Jesus!
    Join us as we support our Refugee Ministry Partners in serving refugees: 

    2. North Africa -- seventy pastors will be gathering over our American Thanksgiving weekend to encourage each other in this time of pandemic. Please join our Middle Eastern Pastors Prayer Team. Contact me at for more information. 

    God bless you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Finding joy and staying engaged

    Posted a week ago

    What a joy it was to have our Refugee Brother and Ministry Partner join a virtual missions call with Auburn University's Christian Pharmacy Fellowship.
    God is using the internet and Zoom to keep us connected to the work HE is doing throughout the world! I guess it is the "next best thing to being there in person!".
    We have a number of Virtual Trips in which you can be engaged via your phone or computer! Let me know if you are interested!
    Thank you for being a part!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Grateful and blessed!

    Posted a week ago

    What a blessing to hear from many of you today! Thank you for the sweet words. You are a precious blessing!  Thank you! ....Anne 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • 2020: A few lessons learned

    Posted a week ago

    2020 Lessons Learned ... a few of them!

    When it looks like the world is totally out of control and totally unsalvageable ....God shows up in His mighty power!

    We couldn't go, but
    • we sent the funds to help the Nationals continue the work.
    • we meet virtually several times a week with our National Partners to encourage and pray with them ...they are praying for us, too!
    • we watched as our National Partners shared scripture, prayed, washed feet, showed God's love through tangible means such as food supply packages.
    We learned ...and are learning: (just a few of the many)
    • Hearts hardened against God have been softened and opened because one of our national team members showed compassion and love and shared God's Word.
    • Over 200 Muslims heard the Gospel in East Africa and 30 Bible study groups have been started!
    • Refugee women and children have been removed from abusive situations in camp.
    • Refugee children have once again laughed and played as children should at a party with snacks, balloons and gifts for each one.
    • 100 of the poorest of poor Arabic children received new shoes and food.
    • 390+ Arabic women joined in Bible studies and had their feet washed as they learned the importance of loving one another. Wives and mothers who are training up the next generation.
    • Tough, strong Arabic men have broken down and cried because a Christian man prayed with him and washed his feet and told him God knows the challenges he is facing with no job and no food. Food supply packages were delivered to his home.
    My cup runneth over with thankfulness to the Lord and to you for being a part of this "different and creative" way of being engaged in missions. Opportunity abounds regardless of our circumstances!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • 2020: a few lessons learned

    Posted a week ago

    2020 Lessons Learned ... a few of them!

    When it looks like the world is totally out of control and totally unsalvageable ....God shows up in His mighty power!

    We couldn't go, but
    • we sent the funds to help the Nationals continue the work.
    • we meet virtually several times a week with our National Partners to encourage and pray with them ...they are praying for us, too!
    • we watched as our National Partners shared scripture, prayed, washed feet, showed God's love through tangible means such as food supply packages.
    We learned ...and are learning: (just a few of the many)
    • Hearts hardened against God have been softened and opened because one of our national team members showed compassion and love and shared God's Word.
    • Over 200 Muslims heard the Gospel in East Africa and 30 Bible study groups have been started!
    • Refugee women and children have been removed from abusive situations in camp.
    • Refugee children have once again laughed and played as children should at a party with snacks, balloons and gifts for each one.
    • 100 of the poorest of poor Arabic children received new shoes and food.
    • 390+ Arabic women joined in Bible studies and had their feet washed as they learned the importance of loving one another. Wives and mothers who are training up the next generation.
    • Tough, strong Arabic men have broken down and cried because a Christian man prayed with him and washed his feet and told him God knows the challenges he is facing with no job and no food. Food supply packages were delivered to his home.
    My cup runneth over with thankfulness to the Lord and to you for being a part of this "different and creative" way of being engaged in missions. Opportunity abounds regardless of our circumstances!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Refilled, inspired, filled with hope - words from our team members

    Posted a week ago

    A small group of us have been gathering via Zoom for the past three weeks to pray for the work in one of our middle eastern countries. Tomorrow, we will join a worship service in another language -- remotely, virtually. Our incredible national partners/family continue working day and night sharing the Gospel, meeting the needs of those who are hurting and are without Hope. 

    Several of our US team who have joined us via Zoom from literally across the USA used these words to describe how they have been impacted by this Virtual Mission.

    *Refilled my heart with the love and hope for this amazing country.
    *Inspired me by their stories and encouraged me to persevere on the spiritual journey together!
    *Filled me with hope again just to see their smiling faces and hear their stories.
    *Overwhelmed me with the faithfulness of our Brothers and Sisters and their obedience to the Lord in these challenging times.

    May you be encouraged and spurred on to share the Hope that only comes through Jesus! Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support!! e3 Giving Day is September 10th...more to come!

    Join us in worshipping from a different middle eastern country:

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • One life you impacted ...

    Posted a week ago

    Story after story are coming from our National Partners as they serve and minister to others in spite of and because of COVID-19. This is just one that brought me to tears Friday! It reminded me of something a team member said last year:

    Our lives are forever interwoven. "God is writing a book for each of us. Other people have the same chapter as we do because our lives are connected, our stories are forever intertwined. These are eternal stories that will remain forever."

    The lives of those e3 Medical touches are forever a part of the book being written about your life. One recent way your donations were able to make a huge impact!

    At ten years old a Afghan girl was forced to marry a much older man. She had her first child at 11 years old. The man was abusive. Many painful years later about the beginning of 2020, they escaped their country due to political violence. They slipped into Greece seeking refuge.

    Summer 2020: our Refugee Partners met the woman, now 20 as she was walking aimlessly on the street outside the large refugee camp. She was obviously distraught. They asked if she needed help. Her husband was allowing others to abuse her in the camp. Our Partner was able to connect her with a group that supports women in these abusive situations.

    She has become open to listening as our Partners share the Gospel. They have provided her with food, clothing, medicine and a means of protection from abuse. Someone gave her a cross pendant. She found a chain to put it around her neck. She said it brings her closer to Jesus.

    Your prayers and support make a difference! I can't wait to see how God is using you and those you serve.

    This is not her picture, in order to protect her identity, but she looks very similar to this. You are now part of the book God is writing for her! Pray she comes to know just how much God loves her! Thank you!

    Anne Lucas, Director e3 Medical

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Dispelling the dark . . .

    Posted a week ago

    Even during a pandemic, our "Light" can shine for Jesus! Thank you for being that light and helping to keep that light spreading throughout the world with your donations and prayers! Hundreds of families have received food supply kits, medicine refills along with much needed prayer and the Gospel! Our national partners and their families have continued ministry with our support and encouragement from here!

    Thank you!

    As a child in north central Nigeria, I have vivid memories of going to the Night Market in our small town of Keffi. There was no electricity, only small twinkling lights at each vendor’s small table. Some vendors had lanterns, others used homemade small lanterns from Peak Evaporated Milk cans pictured here.

    It is only a little over 2 inches tall. We put kerosene in it along with a wick, lit it with a stick from an ever-burning fire and there was light! Not a lot of light but enough to “turn off the dark".

    It has a crudely made handle and wick holder, but it did its job: shining light to dispel the darkness! Those little twinkling lights broke through what seemed like total darkness in the market.

    This little lantern has been mine since the late 1950s …yep! It has been sitting in a cabinet for many years. I pulled it out a few weeks ago as a reminder that while some may believe we are in the darkest times, our job is not to complain about the darkness.

    Our job is to be a little twinkling light to dispel the darkness. Jesus made it very clear: Be a light guiding people to Him!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God's Word goes forth in the midst of chaos!

    Posted a week ago

    As our US-based leaders daily work with our in-country national leaders, we have learned bitter sweet stories of how these leaders, pastor and lay leaders are caring for their communities and church families during shelter-at-home.

    They are so thankful for the financial assistance you have given to help them provide food to the starving and medicine for hypertension and diabetes. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of meeting these critical needs. As our national leaders give the food and medicine, they are praying and sharing the Gospel. In cases where they are able, they are providing Bibles. One pastor in eastern part of the world has said he needs 20,000 - 50,000 Bibles to distribute with food. God's Word goes forth in the midst of chaos!

    In so many countries, persecution is becoming even more harsh as authorities apparently are taking the opportunity to use COVID-19 as a reason to clamp down on Christ followers.

    In several situations, non-Believers are coming to pastors and lay leaders for assistance with food and medicine. They are they reporting to authorities that the pastor prayed for them. Pastors and lay leaders are being arrested.

    Please pray for Christian leaders to remain strong in their faith, for them to have the resources they need to feed the hungry and provide medications to those in need.

    Please pray for my team and our e3 ministry as we get more creative in how to partner with our national leaders to minister to their communities and to share the Gospel.

    May we all get a glimpse of how God is using this pandemic for His glory and His honor!! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God opens the doors for a new way of ministry!

    Posted a week ago

    We will not soon forget our "stay-at-home" COVID-19 days! 

    It has been exciting to engage with our e3 Team as we look for creative, outta the box, ideas for new ways to minister. 

    Please pray as e3 Medical launches our "Virtual e3 Medical Teams" which are a means by which we enable our National Partners in the different countries to continue ministry by providing for people spiritually through technology and/or 6 feet apart, as well as providing food, medicine and other basic necessities!

    Please pray for our Teams as we continue working night and day through multiple time-zones to encourage our National Partners!

    Thank you for your continued encouragement and support! These are crazy and long days, but God has amazing things in store for us!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Surreal and bizarre times . . .

    Posted a week ago

    "Surreal and bizarre times" is a phrase I hear often these days. In our wildest dreams, did we anticipate the effects of this virus pandemic on our country and our world.

    "But God," is fast becoming a favorite phrase! We are so thankful that God is in control. His plans for using these surreal and bizarre times for His honor and glory are going to be amazing! I can't wait each day to see what He has planned! 

    It has been so encouraging to receive notes from friends around the world with whom I have served who are praying for my family, friends and our country. I love how the body of Christ comes together!

    I pray you and your family are well! I also pray your family will have the most amazing Easter as you remember it is all about Jesus!

    Thank you!   Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Interesting times . . .

    Posted a week ago

    As I write this, I'm preparing to leave tomorrow heading to another country, through an European country. God has given our group an incredible sense of peace and joy that He is allowing us to go serve!

    We cherish your prayers and anticipate with us what God has in store! His plans are the bestest!!

    May God bless you and your family!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Focus 2020 ...

    Posted a week ago

    Over the past few years, I've had one word for the year that I study, find scriptures that include that word or a synonym that apply and attempt to follow God's lead for those verses.
    Late December 31, 2019, the word "Focus" came to mind. Every time I turned around January 1, 2020 the word "Focus" "popped up" ...from the Bible, Facebook :), even CNN and Fox News!! hmmmm...

    • Isaiah 26:3 – You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed (also means focus) on You, because he trusts in You. (The You meaning, God)
    • Psalm 119:2 – Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart. (stay focused)!

    Your many prayers, words of encouragement and your financial assistance over these 11 years have truly kept me going and focused on what I believe God is still calling me to do... medical missions by which we minister to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of others. And we share the Gospel, make disciples and teach others to do the same! Each of you are truly a blessing for being a part ...serving right along with me, in person or in spirit! Thank you!!

    Since David is doing so well three week out from knee replacement, he has "dismissed" me as his nurse/PT to go with my team to Greece working with refugees. I leave January 3rd. So many sweet friends have donated warm gloves, socks, caps, scarves to take is snowing in Greece!!  Please pray as we serve these precious people from war and politically torn countries who are so very cold with few necessities ...and most have no hope ...we know Who that Hope is!! Pray for us to be bold in sharing!

    May God bless you as you focus on what HE has in store for you in this new decade of 2020!!


    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Pressing on ... eyes on the goal: every person, every place, engaged with the Gospel

    Posted a week ago

    e3 Giving Day was humbling, such an encouragement and blessing! I loved getting the texts and emails. Your generosity is greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart!

    This verse came to mind today: Ephesians 3 20-21: Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

    Moving forward . . . 
    Every single person in
    Every single place
    Engaged with the Gospel

    Philippians 3:12-14 (The Message)

    I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back. 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice!

    Posted a week ago

    Each day as we anticipate what God has in store for us, let's praise Him!

    It is with great excitement that I prepare to serve in several countries over the next few months. 

    Thank you for your continued prayers and reminders to stay focused on the mission! 

    Today is e3 Giving Day. Thank you for your faithfulness in financially supporting this work. Your donations enable me to continue this work. 

    The ladies pictured in below heard the Story of Jesus. We gave them multicolored bracelets that helped remind them of His Story. They practiced on me and on each other. We had a precious time together sharing what God is doing in our lives. They are thankful you sent us!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Lives are intertwined

    Posted a week ago

    It’s that time of year!  e3 Giving Day is an event from 6AM to Midnight on Thursday, September 12th to help raise awareness and support for e3 Partners and our e3 Team.

    Every donation made to my staff support account that day will be enhanced by a pool of bonus funds. That means on September 12th, every dollar is worth more than $1!  This is an opportunity to go above and beyond, to help us do more.

    More people going. More churches planted. More baptisms. More disciples of Christ!

    Will be a part of this day? Will you ask others to join you?

    To donate online there is a donate button to the right of this page.

    If you wish to make a donation via check by following these instructions:

      1.   Make checks payable to e3 Partners Ministry

      2.   Include on the check: Anne Lucas #438

      3.   The envelop must be postmarked on September 12, 2019.

      4.   Mail the envelope to:

           e3 Partners Ministry, 2001 W Plano Parkway, Suite 2600 Plano TX 75075

    Your donation will be credited to my support account, along with a portion of the bonus funds.

    Again, I am so very grateful for you. Your generosity and partnership through e3 Partners have made and continue to make a significant impact for the Kingdom of God and for me personally.

      May the Lord your God be among you, a warrior to save.

      May He rejoice, sing, dance over you with gladness.

      May He bring you quietness with His love.

      May He delight in you with shouts of joy.  

            Paraphrased into a prayer from Zephaniah 3:17

    My friend Robyn wrote this:

    ......Anne Lucas
    1505 Blind Brook Lane Vestavia Hills AL 35216

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Glimmer of Hope

    Posted a week ago

    Good morning, prayer warriors and supporters!

    Your prayers, encouragement and financial support are greatly appreciated and truly needed!
    Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment, boldness in sharing the Gospel. I would also appreciate your prayers for more financial assistance to support me in the work I believe God still wants me to be engaged...those funds are dwindling.

    May 4th I leave for the Czech Republic for a strategy workshop with our strategy leaders from across Europe. These are exciting and unprecedented times for all of us. Please pray as we prepare and anticipate what God has in store for us in the next 2-3 years. 

    From there I travel to Athens to finalize preparations for a large team coming May 18th to serve the refugees and Greeks. We will minister through health clinics, children's, women/men's ministry, park ministry and ministry within Greek and refugee-led churches. 

    The need is great! The opportunity is unprecedented with the influx of people from 40+ countries. Thank you for being a part!

    Across the coast on which this man and child are standing is Turkey, a primary route for most of the refugees entering Greece. This man and his child made it safely across with a glimmer of hope for a safer life.

    A "glimmer" is defined as a faint and wavering light. Those who left their countries are seeking safety and hope in Greece. Please pray we show Jesus as not only a glimmer of Hope but the only Hope.  Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • First quarter of 2019 off and running!

    Posted a week ago

    The first quarter of 2019 is almost over! It has gone by in a "flash"!! Thank you for your prayers, notes of encouragement and financial support!

    Exciting times are ahead as my team and I prepare for medical clinics serving in
    1. The Middle East this month!
    2. Europe strategy meeting in Prague in early May.
    3. Refugees in Greece in May.
    4. Mongolia in June.

    In the meantime, I am honored to be asked to speak at my alma mater, Samford University, in April on our ministry among refugees.  One of my other responsibilities is working with our leaders for all of our short-term trips. Each of these leaders has such a passion for the Lord! It is wonderful to serve with this team!

    Thank you for being a partner serving the Lord!   .....Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Looking back at 2018

    Posted a week ago

    2018 has flown by! It has been such a privilege to serve on five continents this year . . . 7 mission trips. While I often forget the details of trips, the faces . . . the eyes and the the beauty of those we serve stay in my memory!  Thank you for being a part of this journey of serving through medical missions! Your prayers, encouragement and financial assistance have made it possible for me to be more engaged.

    This precious little one and his family were really struggling with having a safe place to live, food, clothing and medical attention. Our team was able to help with their physical, emotional and  ...they learned about Jesus! Thank you for being on the team!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Anticipating what God is going to do today!

    Posted a week ago

    With Christmas approaching, I have the best memories as a child and watching our children and grandchildren as they anticipate what Christmas Day will bring. Such fun memories!

    Imagine the great joy we would have if each day, we were to anticipate what God is going to do!

    On my last trip to Athens, our team had the honor to spend an evening in the small apartment of a precious Middle East family that I met in 2017. The men spent hours sharing about the one true God and His Son. Two of the women played with the children to keep them occupied and to show them love! I had the honor of helping the wife, "M", prepare dinner for the team. She and I communicated via Google Translate since she speaks no English and Anne speaks only a couple of Arabic words! "M" was so proud she had this little kitchen and that she could do something she loved, cooking, for our team. We have come to love this family and so want them to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 

    Thank you for enabling me to be a part of that night through your prayers, encouragement and your financial support! This is one of so many stories ...ways in which God has shown up in a surprising, fun and heartwarming way! May HE continue to get all the honor and glory!

    You are a blessing to this family ... thank you!   ......Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Humbled and grateful!

    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for taking time and donating on e3 Giving Day! I am humbled and grateful for your support and encouragement!  I look with anticipation for what God has in store!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God-Sized Vision ...

    Posted a week ago

    God has opened the eyes of e3 Partners to a God-Sized Vision .... please take a few minutes to watch!

    Today is e3 Giving Day! Thank you for considering financial support in addition to prayer support for my personal financial support! Donations made today will be enhanced from a bonus pool of $100,000. Thank you!   Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Ten years ... precious people!

    Posted a week ago

    Ten years ago this month, a friend asked if I had totally and completely lost my mind for considering leaving the field of technology and going to work for a ministry, e3 Partners. The answer was and is: Yes! I am!! And I am thankful for these ten years of crazy!! <smile>

    I joined e3 in October of 2008 to work primarily with the medical team! In addition to the medical team, my work expanded over the years to include work with all of our short-term trips. It has been a whirlwind of a journey... in a good way! God continues to open doors for serving Him! As long as those doors are open, I'll continue!

    My deepest gratitude for your continued prayers, encouragement and financial support!

    Let's take God's Word and go out!
    God said: "... so My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and will prosper in what I send it to do."Isaiah 55:11

    September 13th is e3 Giving Day. Every donation made that day will be enhanced by a portion of a $100,000 bonus fund. On September 13, every dollar is worth more!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Standing in the Gap

    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for standing in the gap for so many people and situations throughout the years! It will be an unbelievable day when we get to heaven and see how your prayers were answered! Please don’t stop praying!

    2018 …standing in the need of prayer!

    • e3 Partners is going through a transition across the organization …that is a good thing! We are on a mighty fast pace to ensure e3 is prepared to escalate the work we do …Jesus is coming and people need to know Him!
    • My new role as Director of Strategy Resources is similar but with more responsibility. In addition, I continue to lead the Medical Strategy which continues to grow. It is humbling and causes me to be in prayer even more for Godly wisdom and the ability to focus on the most important places at the right time!
    Please pray for
    • Strategic wisdom (James 1:5), discernment, patience, ears and eyes opened to how God is directing me. (Col 1:9)
    • For those who will be serving with e3 this year …approximately 2000 people!
    • The thousands with whom we will share Jesus, the churches we will help start.
    Trips on the schedule that I will be leading/co-leading:
    • February 14th Athens to prepare for the June team. We will be meeting with pastors and ministry leaders to finalize preparations. I thought I was going by myself when David Lucas said he would go and assist! Yea!!
    • In April, Lee Lucas, David Smith and Pete Marian from our church on an e3 scouting trip to Mongolia. We will evaluate the prospects for bringing teams in over the next years.
    • In May, we are off to Zambia with lots of nursing students! We will be partnering with another ministry and churches outside of Lusaka.
    • In June, we have a large team going to Athens to serve refugees from over 40 countries. Recently, I read that there are over 60,000 refugees in Greece at this time...searching for hope! Ephesians 1:18

    Leading and serving with teams is my most favorite part! I learn so much from the team, those we serve and from God!

    There is a lot to do in my other role as e3 Director of Strategy Resources. HOWEVER, it is not about me. It is about God and His Plan – that is the priority!

    This picture was taken last night as University of Alabama nursing students prepare to serve in Zambia.

    Inline image 1

    Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God's blessings . . . 2017 and 2018

    Posted a week ago

    2017 has been another year of God's blessings! Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and financial support! God gave me the honor of meeting, serving and serving with so many people who have impacted my life!

    I spent several weeks in Greece learning more about the refugee situation, working with teams to serve refugees ...and being loved and encouraged by refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and so many others! We took close to 100 volunteers to serve in Greece. Our hearts and prayers are for those so far from home, not because they want to but because their lives depended on their leaving their homes. 

    A wonderful team served among the Digo people in Kenya where we ran into collapsed bridges, monsoon-like rains, almost ran out of gas in the backside of nowhere ...but God took care of us and even better, HE gave us incredible opportunities to share His love in this Muslim area. We made wonderful friends and had government officials invite us to return!

    2018 is on track for being another busy year with great opportunities to serve others while sharing God's love!

    Thank you for being a part of this work!! May God bless you and your family in the coming year with His joy!    .....Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thank you for sending me!

    Posted a week ago

    A dear friend said:
    "You are my missionary. I can't go, but I can send you!"

    Thank you for sending and going with me throughout the world!
    Thank you for your donations for my salary and expenses so I can go!

    September 14th our team leaves to work among refugees and Greeks in Greece. We covet your prayers!

    See Psalm 67 --- a dear friend prayed this Psalm for us last night!

    Please join us in praying that soon the Name of Jesus will be shouted from the roof tops and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father! (Philippians 2)

    Many thanks from around the world for sending and going to share Jesus!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • If God is in it, we can rest!

    Posted a week ago

    Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:38-39

    Thank you for your financial donations and your continued prayers and encouragement! We know God has a plan for our work among the refugees and Greek people of Greece! Hundreds of refugees are pouring into Greece this week ...daily! They need to hear that God sees them and loves them!

    Please pray as our team leaves Thursday to serve among them.

    The world is struggling with all kinds of natural disasters and human-made disasters!  As an example: Up to half a million people were expected to be evacuated from their homes in south-eastern China on Tuesday (Sept 12) as the region braced itself for a "giant" typhoon that is expected to make landfall later in the week.  Please pray for opportunities to share the only Hope!!

    Your donations allows me to concentrate on the ministry! Thank you for your faithfulness!

    This picture tells the story of a father and his daughter who made it safely to the shores of Lesbos Island, Greece. Across the Aegean Sea you can see Turkey four miles away.

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • An urgency to continue the "race"!

    Posted a week ago

    There is an urgency in my heart and soul to continue this "race", this mission work with e3 Partners to finish the task God has set out across the world.

    You ...each one of you ...has been a key part of that "race". You have linked arms together to pray, to go, to encourage and to give. I don't know the words to adequately thank you! I feel your prayers and love your notes and calls of encouragement!

    You have been so generous with your financial gifts. They allow me to focus my time on the ministry. I do not know how long God wants me to continue in this work, but it has been clear lately that He has lots more work for me to do with e3 Medical<smile> I am preparing for the next few years, Lord willing! Thank you for being my partner!  

    If the Lord lays on your heart to be a part of this work in a financial way, e3 Giving Day is September 12th. I would sincerely appreciate your support then or now! It is very humbling to depend on others in this way...God continues to teach me to wait on Him!
         *Donations can be made by check or online.
         *Online, please donate from this page

         *For checks, please put my name and #438 on the check and please mail them to
          e3 Partners Ministry
          PO Box 1053
          Searcy, AR 72145-1053

          For e3 Giving Day checks should be post marked September 12th.

    I truly covet your partnership in prayer and support!  This morning I ran across this video e3 Medical made a couple of years tells why I do what I do! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Merging of Nations

    Posted a week ago

    God has allowed many nations to be "scattered" to various countries due to war, famine, economic, and other reasons ---over 65 million refugees.  It is such a honor to serve among so many of the people from these countries. Our next team will be serving in Greece leaving this weekend. We cherish your prayers as we go.

    Your faithful prayers, many notes of encouragement and financial support have made it possible for me to lead and serve with teams from across the USA and other countries. Thank you! I cherish your prayers and your friendship!

    This is a slideshow made from our mission in May. May God lay the peoples of the world on your heart!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • "Let me warm your hands. They are cold."

    Posted a week ago

    As I walked through the freezing cold tents, "homes" of refugees in Greece, a Muslim woman and I exchanged smiles. I held my hand out to shake hers. We smiled and kissed each others' cheeks. She then said something in her language that I soon understood was:
    "Let me warm your hands. They are cold."

    ​It was freezing and snowing. It seemed like I had 14 layers of clothes on but I still cold. My hands were so cold. This precious lady, th warmed my hands. I prayed she would feel the warmth of the presence of the Holy Spirit and come to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior!

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go and serve! It is an honor and a privilege.


    ​​I have tried to put into words what I saw, felt and learned on our mission to Greece to the refugees and the Greeks who are serving them. My heart is so full and breaking with what I heard and saw. It is rare that I am speechless, but I am. I hope this slide show will give you a glimpse into what we saw, heard and felt. May God give you a clear direction of how you can serve those who do not know Hi

    There is an unprecedented opportunity right now for us to share with those who do not know who Jesus is! We can not not go, pray, make disciples. They are wide open to hear the message!

    Ask me about adopting a people group!! YES!! Go with us to Greece in 2017 to serve among the refugees there. Just ask me! <smile>

    This email group is composed of mighty prayer warriors who have gotten my family and I thought a lot've prayed, laughed and cried with us on this journey. I consider each one of you an individual blessing beyond all measure. The words "Thank you" never seem sufficient. My heart is so very thankful for your prayers, your encouragement, and your financial assistance.

    May you and your family be blessed beyond all measure with the Joy of the Lord as we end 2016 and start afresh in 2017!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thanksgiving!

    Posted a week ago

    I am thankful for you, your passion for God's work and for your encouragement to spur me on!

    Tomorrow, my team will be going to an unnamed country to bring God's love through medical! From there I will join a team in Europe to assess the feasibility of our medical teams working among displaced people! We cherish your prayers!!

    We will be celebrating Thanksgivings away from home this year. We pray you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!  God bless you with His joy this season!


    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Giving Day! Many thanks!

    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for the many expressions of love and support today, e3 Giving Day. Each of you are a true blessing!

    Apologies for the e3 Giving Day technology "glitches that continue to pop up for some of you. Many have been able to give online today, but some continue to have issues. Our IT team is hard at work to get things running smoothly.

    Please email me if you still have problems. Many thanks for persevering.

    I pray that God fills you with the joy of His presence this evening!  .....Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • On mission . . . impact!

    Posted a week ago

    Dear Prayer Warriors and Ministry Partners: Two months from today, I will be serving in a place with few followers of Christ. Their hearts are searching for answers and a hope for the future. In a prior trip to this country, one lady stated to a co-worker: "A light has come to my country today." She saw Jesus in this team member.

    The impact of your prayers, encouragement and support may only be known once we get to heaven. People are seeing Who Jesus is through you, your prayers and your support ---working together to tell others about Jesus as Lord!

    You have many choices of ministries and organizations with whom to support. For that reason, I am humbled by and grateful to those who God has called to support the work I do with e3 Partners.

    e3 Partners has designated Tuesday, September 20th as e3 Giving Day. If so led, you may contribute at:  Your donation will be credited to my support account, along with a percentage of the bonus pool.

    Your prayers are precious gifts! Our team to the middle east is already seeing satan attempting to hinder this work. Thankfully, Jesus has overcome and we know it is Him who we serve! Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Blessed by you!

    Posted a week ago

    You are a blessing to me personally and to the people I serve. Your financial support has enabled me to assist team leaders in mobilizing and leading 145 mission trips just this summer to start and encourage churches, provide general health screenings, vitamins, antibiotics, wound care and reading glasses. Medical and non-medical professionals have traveled to five continents to serve and share God's love! Thank you for being a huge part of the blessing we were able to give!

    Our annual e3 Giving day is just around the corner, September 20th. If the Lord leads you to be involved through giving, it would be a huge blessing!  Thank you!

    Our mission to Ethiopia was beyond exciting and fruitful! God gave us the opportunity to serve literally in the utter most part of the earth! The people were gracious and so very thankful for our coming. Prayers were answered over and over!

    A few weeks ago, I had the honor of serving with my husband in Guatemala! David and I don't often get to serve together because of our schedules! That was truly a blessing! David and team worked building a new home for a pastor, while I worked in the clinic. <They wouldn't let me build!!>

    May God richly bless you as you serve HIM!!   Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Off to Africa this week! Thank you!

    Posted a week ago

    I am excited to be off to Africa Thursday co-leading a medical church planting team. We hope to start four new churches in Ethiopian villages where there are no churches! We will have medical clinics each day as well as home visits. Our team is composed of some dear friends and nursing and pharmacy students! Please pray as we serve among a people group in which only 0.02% are Christ-followers! This is a people group of 23 million individuals!! If I did the math correctly, that is 22.5 million do not know Jesus!  We leave June 9th returning June 19th.

    Please pray as we go!  Your financial support and especially your prayers make it possible for me to serve with this ministry.  Thank you!   Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thank you for 2015!

    Posted a week ago

    My prayer as 2015 ends is

    “‘“The Lord bless you
        and keep you;
    25 the Lord make his face shine on you
        and be gracious to you;
    26 the Lord turn his face toward you
        and give you peace.”’ Numbers 6 NIV

    Thank you for being a blessing to me and to others! . . . .Anne Lucas

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Posted a week ago

    Your generous partnership is crucial to make it possible for me to share God's light and love throughout the world. 

    Thank you for being a partner! Merry Christmas! May the presence of God and His blessings be with you and your family this Christmas!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Update

    Posted a week ago

    Looking in the "rear view mirror" of 2015, I find it difficult to believe the year will be over in 30 days!  God has provided me with incredible opportunities to serve Him this year. I pray I have been faithful in His calling!

    Highlights of the year

    • Working with our e3 field ministry team to mobilize laborers to serve.
    • Serving in Russia where we were able to give hope to those suffering from ages of oppression.
    • Serving in Cambodia among the poorest of the poor.
    • Serving children in an orphanage in India.
    • Serving a local Birmingham community
    • Serving in the middle east a few weeks ago among a group of people who live with persecution every day.
    Please pray with me on where and how God wants me to serve in 2016.  Thank you for being faithful supporters!  God bless you!

    Anne Lucas
    Director e3 Medical

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for your generous support for the work I do with e3 Partners!

    e3 Giving Day today is making a big impact for God's work!

    Last night 110 nursing students and faculty at Capstone College of Nursing came to hear about 2016 mission trips!

    This afternoon
    *several hundred Auburn Harrison School of Pharmacy students are meeting to hear!
    *Ida V Moffett School of Nursing will hear about our work!
    *Next week McWhorter School of Pharmacy students will hear about our work!

    Students are on fire for missions!!  Such fun!!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Preparing for 2015!

    Posted a week ago

    2015 is fast approaching, and our teams are gearing up to go into about 40 countries!

    The opportunities to serve are innumerable, the ways in which you can serve depend only on your willingness to be engaged! 

    Specific needs for prayer include

    • preparation as a large number of students register to go
    • 6 teams of nursing and pharmacy students from universities: Samford, Alabama, Auburn
    • work among unreached people groups living the Middle East, Africa, Europe and Asia
    • training of team members to be disciples who make disciples of Jesus
    Acts 4:29-31 comes to mind as a prayer: 

    29 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

    31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

    Thank you for your continued encouragement, support and partnership in this ministry!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Giving Day .... thank you!

    Posted a week ago

    Yesterday was a truly special to watch how the Lord led partners like you to join forces with us as we prepare ourselves for the work to be done!  Our e3 Giving Day was a blessing!  I thoroughly enjoyed getting emails, phone calls and texts sharing your encouragement!  God always blesses us beyond measure....and always in His time!

    As I am wrapping up the work for this year and preparing for a busy October and 2015, I cherish your continued prayers! At this time, I am preparing to take teams to

    • a new country (for e3) in Europe
    • a displaced people group in Indo-China
    • unreached people groups
    • those searching for the one true God!
    Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as we prepare for what God has in store in 2015!

    I pray specifically for you, that God will reveal Himself to you in an awesome and really cool way!  I pray He bless you and your family with His joy!!

    With sincere appreciation,  Anne

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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Days to Go