e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout East Asia. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches.


We are currently serving the people of East Asia with the following initiatives.

Church Planting
We are establishing local churches all over East Asia that are reproducing at an exponential rate. You can play a role in a global church planting movement by reaching those who would otherwise never hear the Gospel. Imagine generations of new believers making Christ first in their lives because you answered the call to go.
Learn More

Are you someone with a medical background or a compassionate individual who enjoys seeing lives improved? Join teams of doctors, nurses, dentists, and veterinarians spreading across the globe to meet basic health needs. Even if you aren’t from the medical field, you can help with HIV/AIDS awareness, Malaria prevention, and health education.
Learn More

Steve Cretin

Asian Strategist


There are no prayers for East Asia at this time


There is no news for East Asia at this time

Jim Gillespie's Staff Support Account

Organized by Jim Gillespie

Please Partner Financially with I Am Second and e3 Staff

I am so happy to be a part of the e3 Staff and I Am Second, working as a Domestic Missionary in Kansas City.  My goal is to reach the lost, right here in the Kansas City area, and coach them and others to be disciple-makers for Jesus. With your help, so far we have seen well over 10,000 people in the Kansas City area make first time decisions for Christ and become reproducing disciples.   This is just the tip of the iceberg!

We were ALL given the directive from Jesus to "go and make disciples" and what better place to start intentionally living that out than right here in our back yard! 

I train and launch Disciple Making Groups that multiply, then go out and train and launch their own groups that multiply, etc...  Together, we can reach the whole world for Jesus.  This is a Biblical model, and Jesus, Paul and Peter are those who I model this after. 

I truly need your help as I go out and make disciples.  First and foremost, PRAY for the opportunities that God provides for this ministry.  Then, please support this staff fundraiser.  You can be a part of a great movement of God as we make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples!  

Thank you for your consideration.  If you have questions, or would like to discuss opportunities for me to come to you to do training and working in the harvest in your community, please feel free to email me at Jim.Gillespie@e3partners.org  or call or text me at 913-638-2016.

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go