Trips to Dominican Republic

La Vega, Dominican Republic - DO25A

Feb 26, 2025 - Mar 5, 2025

The Lord is pouring out His Spirit in Dominican Republic. There is a great hunger for the gospel and...

Samana, Dominican Republic - DO25B

Jul 9-16, 2025

God is moving in mighty ways all through-out the Dominican Republic. This past year thousands of peo...

Amanda McDonald's e3 Partners Fundraiser

South Sudan

Organized by Rhonda Stewart

BIG NEWS! I am partnering with a small team to see #NoPlaceLeft among Unreached/Unengaged People Groups of North Africa.

Welcome to my page for raising the needed funds to sustain this full-time venture. The Lord has guided my path throughout the years to go and serve, and I hope you will consider being part of this opportunity with me.

Every donation is important and will enable me to be present as long as God will have me here. Would you prayerfully consider partnering through financial giving? You can make a one-time gift, or sign up to become a monthly supporter. 

Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and this work as I labor with others to see No Place Left across North Africa and beyond!

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go