Trips to Colombia

Barranquilla, Colombia - CO24B

Oct 5-12, 2024

Once dubbed the “Golden Gate of the Republic”, Barranquilla is the largest city along Colombia...

Cali Colombia - CO25A

Jun 21-28, 2025

Cali is a strategic city in Colombia. e3 Partners has been working in and around the region of Cali ...

Armenia, Colombia - CO25D

Jun 21-28, 2025

Armenia, also known as the "Coffee District," is a fertile, agricultural area located in the central...

Bucaramanga, Colombia - CO25E

Jul 12-19, 2025

With a greater metropolitan population of about one million, Bucaramanga, the capital of Santander, ...

Cucuta, Colombia - CO25C

Aug 22-30, 2025

Cucuta is the gateway to Colombia on the border with Venezuela. There are great spiritual and physic...

Barranquilla, Colombia - CO25B

Oct 4-11, 2025

Once dubbed the “Golden Gate of the Republic”, Barranquilla is the largest city along Colombia...

Richard and Ann Kelley's Staff Support Account

Organized by Richard Kelley

One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $9,060
Recurring donations:
Amount Raised: $0
  • $1,000,000
    One-time Goal
  • $990,940
    One-time Still Needed
  • $500
    Recurring Goal
  • $500
    Recurring Still Needed

Thank you for visiting our personal support fundraising page! We hope this page is informative and easy to navigate. If you have any questions or problems using the page, please contact us directly by email at

Five years ago, we never would have dreamed we would be so involved in missions! However, the Lord called Richard to serve in short-term missions and planted a love for South America in his heart. Richard’s background in engineering, project management, his natural organizational and relational skills were all brought into play as he serves as E3 Strategy Director for Argentina, and Paraguay. This year Richard was asked to also serve as Strategy Director for Bolivia.

In addition to leading and coordinating medical initiatives, Ann also serves as Richard’s frequent translator, allowing him insight as we meet with individuals in South America.

The Lord has blessed us richly as we continue to work part-time and will soon be able to retire from our careers in order to commit more time to the ministry. Therefore, as we ask for your support, we can assure you that 100% of donated funds will go directly into ministry towards others, and not to our living expenses.

As we travel, meet, and work with pastors and leaders in Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia, we are continuously impacted by the physical and spiritual needs we see. We are greatly challenged by the sacrifice we witness, on behalf of our brothers and sisters who have so little, in order to meet the needs of those who have less, so that they might minister spiritually to them.

Please, join us as we share God’s rich blessings with our hermanos y hermanas in South America. Give, as the Lord leads you in wise stewardship of His abundant provision

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